Hanson clients enjoy the flexibility of their product. They can move panels around, reconfigure and resell their precast down the road. We have had customers recoup 67% of their investment after 10 years of use with Hanson Panels. It’s important vs the cost of jackhammering apart poured walls. The construction of everything from small commodity storage sheds to huge entertainment venues can involve precast concrete.
Slabs of different shapes and sizes serve a variety of industrial or architectural purposes.
For example, the wide, tall panels needed to build the walls of a high-school gymnasium could be plain, gray, industrial-looking concrete that’s covered by siding or another finish. We can do reveals (also known as rustication) to help to visually reduce the scale of the large panels. Architects might also make precast concrete a prominent feature of an elegant building such as a museum or hotel.
While concrete is typically gray or white, you can also choose from a variety of surface paints. The molds used in precast concrete, which can be customized, also enhance the surface and shape of the pieces. Precast concrete forms can create columns, round pipes, angles, and other dimensional shapes such as concave and convex that may serve a specialty function or add style to the look of a building.
To produce different finishes, the molds are made of various materials such as wood, steel, rubber, plastic, and fiberglass. The many possible material combinations mean that precast can more efficiently and cost-effectively produce a variety of aesthetic and functional pieces. Our Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) is like a map of the mold you can see every detail of the form.